Sunday, April 24, 2005

Good books I have been mulling over

I recently had some excellent reading time available due to spring break. I was able to finish some books, start some new ones, and re-read and take notes on others. One of the books I re-read was The Millenium Matrix: Reclaiming the Past, Reframing the Future of the Church by Rex Miller. He has put together a matrix that summarizes the history of the church and examines the oral, print, broadcast, and digital periods. We can clearly see the impact of communication on worship and spirituality. He does a great job of showing how we can respond to our digital future.

Other books I would recommend and may comment on in future posts:
The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience by Ron Sider
Speaking My Mind by Tony Campolo
Out of the Question, Into the Mystery by Leonard Sweet
Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers by Christian Smith with Melinda Lundquist Denton

Wade in the water

Well, this is a new adventure sport for me! I am intrigued by the blogging concept and after having read many recently, have decided to get into the water instead of standing on the shore. I really wonder if this isn't just a way for introverts to converse in a more reflective way. It seems like fun to connect to other minds here goes!