Monday, May 23, 2005

Good books - part two

Soul Searching by Smith and Denton reports the findings of the National Study of Youth and Religion done from 2001 to 2005 - the largest of its kind ever completed (to the best knowledge of the authors). Their findings are fascinating - one of the most interesting is that our kids are quite a bit like us - "we get what we are" in the words of the authors. I really appreciate their comment about people being mistaken who refer to teenagers as being "alien creatures" - they go on to show that today's kids are really much less rebellious and suspicious of parents and other authority figures than was the generation that the author (and I) grew up in! So let's stop the name calling! Yet at the same time the authors point out that they are also the most "left alone" generation ever - separated from adult influence. This disconnection has some serious ramifications. Their points at the end of the book are right on from my perspective as a parent of teenagers and a life long educator.

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